HTC has announced a new Jelly Bean smartphone that gives the One X+ an inferiority complex. The HTC J Butterfly is the first to embed a 5-inch full HD display of 1920×1080 resolution, at a chart-topping pixel densityof 440ppi. That's leagues ahead of most flagship smartphones today, which sport 300 ppi+ 720p displays at best. To compare, the iPhone 5 has a 640x1136 pixel resolution screen, while the 5.5 inch Galaxy Note II has a 720x1280 pixel display. 


Powered by a Qualcomm S4 Pro 1.5GHz quad-core APQ8064 processor, the J Butterfly has 2GB of RAM, an 8 megapixel camera, and a 2020 mAh battery. The phone is expected to release by early December, howeverit's Japan-only for the time being
The first announcement of a 5-inch 1080p smartphone was made by Oppo, a relatively phone company from China in September this year, but it looks like the J Butterfly could beat its opponent to the market. It's safe to assume that we'll be seeing variants of this screen resolution from other manufacturers by 2013, setting a new standard for the flagship superphone.

When you think of smartphone titans the first company that comes to mind may be Samsung or Apple. But despite their record high smartphone sales, neither company has achieved what Chinese phone company Oppo has. After releasing the world's thinnest smartphone and the world's thinnest quad core smartphone, the company is back again with the world's first 1080p smartphone.