Hundreds of Apple fans lined up to for the iPhone 5 at its launch in UB City, Bangalore on Friday, as Airtel held simultaneous events in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Airtel is offering a 50 per cent discount on postpaid plans, with an option to purchase the device on EMI coming soon. The launch coincided with Airtel issuing stocks of nano-SIM cards at the sales counters, which will be available at all their branded showrooms.
The iPhone 5 has starting price of Rs.45,500 for the 16GB model, Rs.52,500 for the 32GB model and Rs.59,500 for the 64GB model. There are no reverse subsidy plans this time around, but Airtel is offering a 50 per cent discount on postpaid plans, starting from Rs. 300 to Rs. 1,000. The plan offers free local minutes, SMSes and 3G data.
While the iPhone 5 supports LTE frequencies, it doesn't work on Airtel's 4G LTE network, launched earlier this year. Consumers can expect speeds of 1.5-2 mbps on Airtel's 3G networks, said Rohit Malhotra, chief executive officer, Karnataka circle. Airtel presently offers USB dongles and a Wireless Gateway which are which are based on ZTE's TD-LTE standard. Rohit also said that Airtel will be launching handsets compatible with their 4G networks in the future.
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