Apple has announced the new generation iMac will hit the Indian market on November 30 starting at Rs. 85,900 and going up to Rs. 134,900. This is the new redesigned iMac which Apple announced earlier this year and it features a super slim industrial design.
The basic model which costs Rs. 85,900 has a 21.5-inch display and it is powered by an Intel Core i5 processor clocked at 2.7GHz. It also includes 8GB of RAM, 1TB of HDD and a NVIDIA GeForce 640M graphics processor. The other 21.5-inch variant is powered by a 2.9GHz Intel Core i5, 8GB of RAM, 1TB HDD and a NVIDIA GeForce 650M GPU.
The display of the 27-inch iMac offers 75 percent less reflection compared to the previous model and it has a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels. Its first variant is priced at Rs. 122,900 and it is equipped with a 2.9GHz Intel Core i5 processor along with a NVIDIA GeForce 660M GPU while the top-end 27-inch iMac is priced at Rs.134,900 which is equipped with an Intel Core i5 processor clocked at 3.2GHz and a NVIDIA GeForce 675M graphics processor.
Along with this all the new generation iMacs come installed with the ‘Fusion Drive’ which is a hybrid storage system that automatically installs all OS related files and other key programs on the 128GB SSD which is inside the device and all the other data (movies, music, etc.) is stored on the hard drive.
The display of the 27-inch iMac offers 75 percent less reflection compared to the previous model and it has a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels. Its first variant is priced at Rs. 122,900 and it is equipped with a 2.9GHz Intel Core i5 processor along with a NVIDIA GeForce 660M GPU while the top-end 27-inch iMac is priced at Rs.134,900 which is equipped with an Intel Core i5 processor clocked at 3.2GHz and a NVIDIA GeForce 675M graphics processor.
Along with this all the new generation iMacs come installed with the ‘Fusion Drive’ which is a hybrid storage system that automatically installs all OS related files and other key programs on the 128GB SSD which is inside the device and all the other data (movies, music, etc.) is stored on the hard drive.
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