Lava’s new Android smartphone is called XOLO A700 and it is a dual-SIM capable device which is now available with online retailer Flipkart for Rs. 9,999. This device will be shipping in the next six to eight days and by that time we might also hear an official announcement from the company.
This device runs Android 4.0 ICS which may not be skinned with a custom UI. Unlike the much popular XOLO X900 which is powered by an Intel mobile processor, this device uses an ARM based dual-core chipset which is clocked at 1GHz.
Other specifications includes a 4.5-inch IPS LCD display with a 960x540 pixels resolution, it has 512MB of RAM, a 5 megapixel rear camera and a secondary VGA quality front facing camera. It has 4GB of built-in storage, a microSD card slot and a 1,700 mAh battery which is rated for 6 hours of talk time on 2G and just 3 hours on 3G.
Its dual-SIM capability only allows the user to use a 3G+2G connectivity and both SIMs cannot have 3G networks running simultaneously.
Other specifications includes a 4.5-inch IPS LCD display with a 960x540 pixels resolution, it has 512MB of RAM, a 5 megapixel rear camera and a secondary VGA quality front facing camera. It has 4GB of built-in storage, a microSD card slot and a 1,700 mAh battery which is rated for 6 hours of talk time on 2G and just 3 hours on 3G.
Its dual-SIM capability only allows the user to use a 3G+2G connectivity and both SIMs cannot have 3G networks running simultaneously.