Cheaper than most feature phones, Lava's Iris N320 is quite possibly the most affordable Android smartphone in India yet, priced at Rs. 3,999. It's a dual-sim phone as well, fitting a 1GHz processor, 3.2-inch QVGA 320x240 pixel resolution screen, 2 megapixel camera, and a 1400 mAh Li-Ion battery. Connectivity options include Bluetooth, 802.11 b/g/n, and FM Radio, while 3G and GPS functionality is lacking, judging by the specs published online.

The Iris 320 accepts MicroSD cards unto 32GB, but is crippled by limited internal storage of just 100 MB, and is therefore unlikely to be upgradable to a version higher than 2.3.6 Gingerbread. With a QVGA screen, the 3.2-inch N320 might have better battery life than its entry-level contemporaries, which sport WVGA resolution displays at Rs. 2000 more.